What People Are Saying….


Yesi is the trainer of your dreams! When you’re in a group session, expect to be challenged and motivated by someone who truly cares about each and every fitness goal. Since beginning my training with Yesi, I’ve seen such a change with my core and upper body strength. But just because you get stronger with her doesn’t mean the classes get easier or boring by any means! She adapts for you and offers multiple modifications. Her workouts are always creative and thoughtful.

— Christa Sousa


Before I was required  to work from home, I did not work out at all. I truly hated it and really didn’t have the time for it. After being home for a month, I realized that if I didn’t start to work out I was going to gain A LOT of weight. My friend put me on to Yesenia’s virtual work out sessions. I had taken a few of her spin classes (when my friend forced me to) and knew she was a great spin instructor.  I started to take her virtual classes at the beginning of April and started with just a few days out of the week. Let me tell you! Yesenia is an AMAZING virtual instructor (which is not easy). Her style inspires you to push yourself to get stronger. She celebrates your small wins (eg. holding a plank for a min; trust me, it was victory for someone who didn’t work out at all). She never made me feel like I sucked, which honestly I did for the first month and a half. She pays close attention to your form and coaches you through the work out. She encourages me EVERY day and now I’m working out 6 days out of the week. I try not to miss her class. It has not only helped me physically, its also been a stress reliever. Her workouts are never boring and her music selection is fire!!! Best decision I made during quarantine.

Nalleli Hassan


“Yesenia is amazing! She is the only instructor who I’ve gone to that always makes classes challenging and fun while still being beginner friendly. I really appreciate the dedication she has to being a great instructor and it shows in her classes. You’ll leave her class and will go back for more! Yesi is also SUPER friendly and easy to talk to. She has become a friend and the one person I go to when I need to get my butt kicked!

— Anthony Anfrens


Strength, courage, grace and beauty are only a few words to describe Yesenia. Whether we are on the Upper East Side riding high, downtown on lunch break, or doing doubles on zoom during quarantine, Yesenia is the definition of a strong leader. She has helped me become stronger in times of weakness and pushed myself further than I ever thought I could. She is everything you could want in a trainer and friend.

Kenny Castor


This beast of a woman has me running back for an ass kicking and let me tell you, my mind and body are grateful for it. I have worked in the fitness, health and wellness industry in New York City for some time now and when I tell you I have never been more challenged in a fitness class, that means something. The best part? She’s never once off the bike!! There is nothing more motivating than actually riding with your instructor and watching yourself grow as you start to be able keep up with her madness. I have achieved more fitness goals in her class than anyone else's. Though it never gets easier, no matter how many times you go back, it is the consistent challenge you search for that makes her so unique. I leave feeling stronger and more confident like I’ve conquered something tremendous; when in reality you’re just on a bike that goes nowhere. That’s the power of her class. You are able to lose yourself in a safe space full of badass energy and bomb ass music. Try her class, see what all this hype is about and then watch yourself go back for more.

Mimi Hanai


"During the coronavirus pandemic I did not know exactly what my routine would be from day to day. I knew that it would be tough for me to get back into any sense of normalcy given all the chaos going on. That’s when my fiancé told me about at home Zoom workout classes she was thinking of joining and I said “sure why not”. I remember being so unsure of myself during the first week of workouts and not knowing if I was capable of staying the course. 3 months later and it’s become part of my daily routine and I can feel myself getting better each passing day. Yesenia provides the perfect balance of encouragement and toughness. She’s an amazing instructor and she knows how to get the best out of us each day. Go hard for 30 minutes and leave all the stress of your day behind."

Stanley Aladi

Quarantine became in effect for me on 3/13/20. As an avid daily spinner when the spin studio closed, I honestly wasn’t sure how I was going to maintain any type of exercise and healthy lifestyle. But low and behold my favorite spin instructor, Yesenia, decided to teach daily workouts via zoom. First class I was intimidated as I haven’t been to a gym in years. I thought my stamina would be on par since I was a spinner but boy was I wrong... the first ten minutes I was out of breath and sweating profusely and all with just my body weight work, no machines, no gimmicks. I wanted to give up but Yesenia’s encouraging words, and being alongside fellow spinners and friends putting in the work on zoom gave me motivation to push through. For the past three months I have been doing Yesenia’s daily workouts 4-5x a week and my stamina has increased, legs and thighs are more toned, definition in my biceps and overall increase in my strength! Not only have the classes been improving me physically but mentally as well; having a daily routine and having a community to hold me accountable has provided me with stability during these trying times. Post quarantine I will return to the spin studio whenever they may open but I will definitely continue the daily workouts with Yesenia and continue on my fitness journey.

Kana Nakajima


I absolutely love taking Yesenia’s zoom workout classes! They have been keeping me active and in shape during quarantine. She incorporates various exercises to target all your muscle groups and she’s always motivating you to push harder. I always feel accomplished and stronger after her classes.

Liza Calderon


I first met Yesenia in February of 2019 and fell in love with her spin classes. Her classes became my religion. The reason I started taking Yesenia’s bodyweight classes was because I refused to let the COVID-19 lockdown undo all of the progress that I had made during her spin classes. These bodyweight classes were a completely different animal though. That first week, I couldn't hold a plank; I couldn't do a lunge....it felt like I couldn't do anything. But as the weeks have passed, I have been amazed to witness every muscle in my body get stronger and more defined. Shoulders that were too weak to lift a 2lb weight over my head can now support my entire body through plank work....my lungs and heart have gotten so much stronger. And even when I think I can't, Yesenia pushes my body past its comfort zone, the same way she did on the bike. 30 minutes with Yesenia is the best $10 you will ever invest, I promise.

Janelle Green


I have been taking Yesenia’s classes for the past few years, and have recently started taking her Strengthening classes a few times a week. These classes have made such a difference for my body overall, but especially in my core and upper body. Yesenia is incredibly motivating. She pushes you outside your comfort zone, while encouraging you and making it fun. I can honestly say that after a couple months of taking her class I am more powerful and can do exercises that I could have never done before I started working with Yesenia.

Jacqulyn Loftin


All I can say is that Yesenia David is one kick ass trainer and friend! We connected a few months ago and knew she was a great spin trainer and someone who cares about health and fitness. I have always been an avid gym person and recently invested in a personal trainer. However, when the quarantine hit I knew I had to find alternative ways to stay in shape when the gyms were not an option and social distancing was mandated. I soon found out Yesenia had decided to teach fitness classes via zoom and immediately opted in to take part. It’s been such a great time and journey for me as she has kept me on track and has really pushed me to try new work outs! I can now do full push-ups and planks due to her training! She’s very encouraging and will put in the time to help you perfect your form and make you feel confident. She’s someone to lean on and that’s very had to find. I plan to continue to take her course and invest in myself!

— Denia Talavera


When corona virus shut down NYC and kept everyone home, I was deeply impacted. My regular routine was turned upside down and getting outside to stretch my legs was nearly impossible. I stressed over not being physically active until I found Yesenia and her 30 min workout class. Not only was I able to workout from the comfort of my living room, I was able to infuse routine and activity back into my life. Yesenia is an incredible instructor, she goes above and beyond by customizing workouts to fitness levels, pushing you to the next, and cares deeply about your overall wellness. I now look forward to the 30 mins a day I get to sweat with my fitness family."

Natalie Cortez